ネガティブクリスタルインクォーツ - 05
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ネガティブクリスタルインクォーツ( Negative Crystal in Quartz )とは、和名を「負晶水晶」「虚晶水晶」と言い、内部に「小さな空間」や「空洞」が存在している水晶をさします。
結晶という実態がある「貫入水晶 ・ クォーツインクォーツ」とよく似ていますが、内部が空洞である分、透明度が高い場合が多く、まるで鏡を閉じ込めたかのような姿だったり、時間が止まったような美しさが魅力です。
Negative Crystal in Quartz refers to quartz that contains "small spaces" or "hollow cavities" within its structure.While it closely resembles Quartz-in-Quartz which have solid crystalline inclusions, Negative Crystal in Quartz often boasts higher transparency due to its hollow interior. Its appearance, as if a mirror has been trapped inside, or its timeless, frozen beauty, is part of its unique charm.
サイズ size : 32.15 mm x 30.3 mm x 13.5 mm
重さ weghit : 89.75 ct (17.94 g)
産地 origin:Brazil
To showcase the natural beauty of our gemstones in their authentic form and to minimize any discrepancies in how they appear in person, all our products are photographed under natural light. However, please note that the colors may vary slightly depending on the device you use to view them. Thank you for your understanding.
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*Japan domestic shipping fees for purchases over ¥15,000 will be free.
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